Please excuse the mess while i determine what's what here and why my page isn't displaying correctly.
Edit: the intricacies between Blogger and RPGaming's host are a bit too advanced for me, so for now, this blog is going to be hosted by blogspot, subject to change immediately in the event that i happen to experience a brain anomaly that causes me to become a coding genius (that, or my husband, who actually is a bit of a coding genius, finds some free time to help me to that end).
In the mean time, i suppose an introduction may be in order, with this being my first post. In most circles i am simply known as "hippie." I could probably come up with some elaborate story to explain this title, but there really isn't one. It just happens to be the common word among several usernames i've used in various places around the 'net.
I am a wife and a stay-at-home, homeschooling, mom of three. By far, my dominant hobby is pen and paper role-playing games. I have many other passions, but they are expressed through other mediums. I play and GM daily via post and chat, as well as in person when the rare opportunity makes itself available. I also moderate one gaming forum, and of course co-administrate RPGaming (how may times can i reference that site in one post?).
This blog is meant as a companion to the RPGaming Forums, and should eventually accompany it on a main site...but that is another thing on a list of many that my darling husband has yet to completely finish.
I love comments in the form of feedback, criticism, and ideas for future posts, so bring em on! I prefer to think of my posts as the beginnings of discussion threads rather than just blog entries.
How to Bake Bacon
13 years ago
Bacony mayo stuff? sounds, nasty but intresting? OMG, CHICKS RP! *dies*
But seriosly, turning a Blog thingie ito a tread discussion like a forum! have you gone mad! it cant happen! its blaspheomy. or some such. im sure someone out there would say so, im just voicing their opinion with bad spelling and equally bad grammer! HA! Thats Mah Comment. Since i dont have a proflie, ill have to be Anynymous, but you KNOW WHO I AM!
LOL, yes, i know who you are. ;) Thanks for the input.
HAHA. but do you know who this masked avenger called Anonymous is? If you do you win a cookie and a frog. :D enter for your chance to win!
Yes, im horrably bored, can you tell?
Also, i think that Anonymous person before was wrong. Turning a Blog into a formy like post majigy is koolness. TAKE IT BLOG! And id have to say, bacony mayoness just sounds plain nasty. not good. mayo is nasty, adding bacon makes it more nasty. but, hey go for it. *rolls eyes* what a dummy, of corse chicks RP. duh.
This is the Masked Avenger Anonymous signing off!
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